Colour show 2024 - Chairmans Report.
01/03/2023 - 02/03/2024 What great success! Over three hundred people attended, we turned over in excess of three thousand pounds. After all expenses we divided the profit in two and donated one half, one thousand pounds, to our chosen Charity, Children’s Respite Trust. I think that we can all be proud that everyone enjoyed our programme and went away happy. Most people in the club lent a hand in some way, even by selling tickets. Particular thanks go to Dave Brooker, Colour Show Producer, ably assisted by Richard Goldsmith who organised logistics and so much else. Dave has worked so hard for weeks and we are truly grateful to him. Thanks to Ray Beckwith. He is our President and was an excellent Compere for all 3 shows. As always, he undertook a considerable amount of work in the planning and organisation of the show. His knowledge and experience are greatly appreciated. Pam Maclay and her team did a great job over all three shows with the refreshments, especially when managing to cheerfully provide 120 people with tea, coffee and biscuits in 15 minutes! Susan and Daniel Trangmar’s raffle raised in excess of £500; they were assisted by Martin Rumary and Nicola Stone. Others were very helpful. Shawn and his print team presented an excellent exhibition of our recent images. Jennifer George did excellent work organising ticket sales and members manned the reception desk at each session, also covering the reception during the shows. The Charity worked hard at the show and did their own presentation. Thanks also to those who put together such beautiful images with their soundtracks to create the Audio-Visual presentations. A great job! The winners of the awards for best AVs were: Highly Commended - Seabirds on the Edge by Alan Cork. Third - The Engines of Crossness by Richard Goldsmith. Second - The World of the Airline Lounge by Daniel Trangmar. First - Vision of Ashdown Forest by Dave Brooker. Camera Centre award - Seabirds on the edge by Alan Cork. Many people were involved in setting up and taking down the kit so that was completed by 10.30pm on Saturday. Our next public event is the Annual Exhibition during the Monday 17th of June until Saturday the 22nd. We hope that you will all be there. Bruce Broughton-Tompkins LRPS Chairman, Hailsham Photographic Society For more information on The Childrens respite trust please take a look at their website |